Friday, 2 September 2011

rp_station13 - Archive!

Okay so this is an archive of old thread, before the Black-Brains forums went down. Thanks Slayed for sending it to me!

To view, simply click the link!

(rooms/36) *100

+ Archive - ?/?/?

For some reason the holodeck was missing. I must've missed it out in the archiving process on the old thread, so here is some stuff!

+ Archive - 24/1/11

Stairwell basically complete!

Aand from the outside:

+ Archive - 20/1/11

So work continues.
Got the armoury pretty much done, next is the stairwell! Then I can begin work on the other floors!

Highlights of the past few days

+ Archive - 16/1/11

Very late, but the awesome guy who made the music for the first video (showing the particle effects in the bridge) posted it on his facebook page (yes, I am very late)!

I should be more consistent with checklists, really

  • Get bro to do some finishing touches to the model, and make a broken version
  • Do the exploding particle effect
  • Find appropriate sounds


Here is the movable plasma core so far:

And here is a box

+ Archive - 13/1/11

Alright, so I probably failed all my exams. (Chemistry, at least.)

How about them high tech boxes (model in progress, made in hammer)

Mini checklist

  • It has some lights on the sides
  • It also has detail on the bottom in the form of slider things, so you can could put them on tracks of some sort and have a HIGH SPEED BOX DELIVERY system


  • Should I make another version that is breakable, then I can give it particle effects for some plasma'esque explosion? (Halo 3 plasma cores kinda)
  • Should I make an opened version too?

+ Archive - 7/1/11
3 days until my Maths exam, so lets do mapping instead of revising  :roll:

Most notably, Jackson found a sexy new texture pack which we are now using. Checklist now:

  • Retexture/redesign the parts of the map I've completed
  • Get the lift shaft/lift complete and working
  • Don't fail in any exams

 Note to self: Healpod sounds

+ Archive - 17/12/10

School ended, event ended, mapping began.
Tried to add areaportals to the bridge, but they came back to punch me in the face.  :oops:

Got bored, made a few doors! They are big enough to fit a whole crate through with ease!

+ Archive - 3/12/10

Quick update with a video showing off the bridge + the holodeck particle effects!

(Picture not up to date)

+ Archive - 27/11/10

Exactly a month later, with about 0 work done to the map. The AI cores were what were stalling me, so I'm just gonna skip them for now and move onto the stairwell and the bridge.

What I need to do:

  • Do the bridge!
  • Get the AI cores able to move up and down, with a working temperature system.

+ Archive - 27/10/10

Ugh, I'm gonna leave the outside of the ship till last actually. It is just too much of a pain to do now

First off, the bridge and the AI Core! (Just watched Sunshine, expect it to be similar to that)

It may look dark for some, seems fine on my primary screen though :s

But yeah, features I will have, if Hammer allows me:

  • Rising/falling servers (will make models for them when I feel arty)
  • Some sort of override for the blastdoors (cannot be turned on from here)
  • A system which causes alarms and flashy lights if the servers are out of the coolant for too long (Possibly with specialFX)

+ Archive - 23/10/10

PortalFlow:          0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (238)

Anyways, the floor plan is complete. I'm gonna do the basic shell of the outside station and then I'll begin on the rest of it, top to bottom.

+ Archive - 22/10/10

Formatting thread, expect parties

Work begins on the map, I'm gonna do this in a different order this time. First things I'll do:

  • Place blocks for the floor plan of the entire level
  • Build the outside of the station
  • Then move onto more detail.

I'm also gonna try texturing the level as soon as possible, so I don't do it in a huge load at the end (Might have better results too)

+ Red, green and blueprints!

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