Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Syndicate Ship

The Syndicate is a semi-secret conglomeration of groups opposed to the actions of the Nanotransen corporation. The network includes environmentalists, political activists, disgruntled former Nanotransen employees, competing corporations, and any number of malcontents that the company has trod upon in its quest to become the largest corporation in the galaxy.

Their tactics include everything from sending specially-trained operatives to destroy the station to using bribery, brainwashing, infiltration, or espionage to insert traitors and revolutionaries into the station's ranks. In addition to an endless supply of revenge-hungry minions, the group has access to extremely advanced technology, making them the single greatest threat to Nanotransen's stranglehold on the plasma market.
(Text from the official goonstation wiki, their entry is too good to pass up)

Some WIP Pictures from the Syndicate Ship.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Arrivals and Security Level - Part 2 (and some more stuff)

Hello faithful reader(s)

As Firepaw mentioned we have been making much progress! Here's some of the stuff I've been working on over the past few weeks.

Security Checkpoint

The usual place for the station's proud and disposable security teams to reside, the security checkpoint is the point of entry in to and out of the station, leading on to the loading bay, all station cargo and passengers will move through here at some point. The checkpoint room itself contains security cameras, work stations, lockers, and plenty of red shirts.


Both Jackson and myself had made huge progress in the past few weeks, and I've just finished the medbay so heres some content!

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Arrivals and Security Level - Part 1

Work has continued! The Arrivals/Security level is where new players will pass through from the loading bay in to the station, as well as where players will rush to when the emergency shuttle docks. Here's a few things that you'll find on this level.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Research Lab

While the finishing touches are done to the Living Quarters level, (which is nearly complete) I've been working on the Research Lab!

Whether it's discovering new and dangerous applications of plasma, repairing and enhancing existing station technology, or researching exciting new ways to dispatch lifeforms with a variety of deadly weapons, the research lab is the perfect place for scientists to tinker with plasma, as well as experimental weapons and other pieces of technology.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

The Core

Still a big WIP, messing around with the particle effects. Currently have one for the core being open and visible, and one for closing. I'll make another for the core being under stress/overloading!

Plans so far:

  • Add holographic screens around the core when you approach, a few interactive things
  • Decorate the rest of the room

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Station 13 - Jackson's Stuff

Well now look at this shiny new blog! I suppose I'll use my first post to present some of the stuff I've contributed to the station so far. This has been my first real forray in to Hammer, so it's sort of been a learning experience, but so far it's going well. (most of this stuff will be posted in the order I made them)

Friday, 2 September 2011

rp_station13 - Archive!

Okay so this is an archive of old thread, before the Black-Brains forums went down. Thanks Slayed for sending it to me!

To view, simply click the link!